Privacy Policy

Netunzel respects the right to privacy of its users. This includes the user's activities while using our Service and the user's Data that are stored on systems. Netunzel will do its best to store and protect the Data and respect the privacy of its users. We believe that using and accessing the Data in any manner except to provide the Service as described in the Terms of Service without the consent of the user is a violation of the user's privacy.


  • Voluntary Data - Information that is voluntarily submitted by you to us such as the Content (as defined in the Terms of Service) and information you have entered in your profile, payment service information, your settings and preferences, your user name and password.
  • Involuntary Data - Information that is involuntarily submitted by you, such as the information provided by your browser and network software, such as IP address, screen resolution, operating system version etc.
  • Data - Voluntary and Involuntary Data stored on our Servers.

Effective February 20th 2021 at 6:00PM MST the following outlines our policy on Privacy with regard to any Data that is relevant to you-



We will not track you. Our Service does not use tracking technologies such as browser fingerprinting, cookies on third party websites or beacons. Other than Content specific to your location (calculated from IP), when you click Local in some pages, we do not show you customized content.

Browser data

In order for the Service to function, the Service will store cookies on your browser and use data in session storage as described below:

  • ascc - Session/user identification. If you set 'remember me' when you login, this cookie would stay in your browser otherwise this cookie is deleted when you close the tab or the window.
  • dkmode - Indicates if you set the dark mode visual theme in the site menu or not
  • uilang - The user language that is set for the Service
Session storage

The system keeps variables saving which tab you are on, so we can return you to the same tab when you come back to it. This data is deleted when you close the tab or the window.

The Service will function fully in Private Window or Incognito mode.

Data sharing with third parties

We do not sell your Data to any third parties. We do not share any Data with any third parties. Governments can force us to turn over your data through subpoenas which we may be forced to comply with. Data Appropriation by Governments is described in the Data Appropriation by Governments section below.

Involuntary Data Management

Your IP address is saved in our Server Logs for one(1) week, after which the Log files are deleted and reset. During the week, our Threat Analysis system uses the data in the logs to detect misuse, such as hackers and Inappropriate Use as described in the Terms of Service. Aggregate information about visits to the site is calculated from the weekly logs by our Log Analysis system to measure Service usage. The aggregate data is stored long term. This would not include personally or individually identifiable information.

Our system shows where the Content originated from. When you submit Content, our system will use your IP address to calculate your region. We store the region with the Content data. We do not store your IP address with the Content. Region resolution is limited to the city, town or island level only.

Voluntary Data Management

Voluntary Data is stored until you delete it. Netunzel may delete Voluntary Data at its discretion. Voluntary Data submitted to the Editor and accepted into the system, your comments and the information you put into your profile are visible publicly. Information that you post as Anonymous in the Service would not show your user name in Public but would be associated with your user account in our internal database.

Data Appropriation by Governments

The following is how we handle data requests by governments

For users

Governments can legally subpoena Netunzel to obtain your data or present a search warrant for your Data. When possible, we would alert you by a message within the system stating "Your data was subject to a legal subpoena which we were not able to prevent by the Government of ___ on ___ ". Where possible, we do not accept Non- Disclosure Agreements or gag- orders with regard to Data Appropriation subpoenas. When possible, we refuse to give evidence to Governments regarding our Users or their Data regardless of the urgency or seriousness of the case.

For Governments

We believe that providing access to third parties including the governments to users' Data without the consent of the relevant users is a violation of the user's privacy. Any Data requests from a government authority or agency or law enforcement agency must have a valid subpoena, a search warrant or a court order with proper jurisdiction over Netunzel regardless of the urgency or seriousness of the case. Any request must also include evidence of jurisdiction over Netunzel.

When possible, we do not accept Non Disclosure Agreements or gag orders. We will notify our users of requests for their Data unless we are legally forced not to. Where possible, we refuse to give evidence to Governments regarding our Users or their Data regardless of the urgency or seriousness of the case. Where applicable, Netunzel is entitled to be compensated for forced data appropriation at the rate of $250,000 per megabyte to cover administrative, data isolation and reproduction costs and cost of disruption to operations. If a witness is required to personally accompany documents, the witness is entitled to any fees normally paid by that court and to maximum allowable daily fees. If a subpoena is withdrawn, quashed or modified by the sender, Netunzel is entitled to reimbursement of costs incurred up to the time Netunzel is notified of such an action. Netunzel is entitled to legal compensation where applicable.

Data Appropriation for GDPR and CCPA and Other Regulation

Netunzel does not collect any information beyond what is stated in this Privacy Policy. The Content you submit to the site is available to you for viewing on the Service via the search page, the account page, the comment sections of the pages you have placed comments on and your profile page.


If you have observed activities that violate our Terms of Service or our Privacy Policy as described here, you may alert us on our contact page here.

This concludes Netunzel's privacy policy.